Phone: +39 06.4991.3460
Born: in Krasnodar region, Russian Federation, in March 08, 1965.
Actual position: permanent scientistt at Institute of Nanotecnolog, Laboratory for Soft and Living Matter of the National Research Council (CNR) in Rome.
Academic Studies: Diploma with honor of scientific researcher [1992], PhD in physics and mathematics. Moscow Engineering Physics Institute, Moscow, Russia [2002]. Solids states physics, physics of laser, optics
Main research interests: x-ray radiation, x-ray optics, x-ray imaging and tomography
Scientific activities:
1. Phase-sensitive X-ray imaging: phase retrieval algorithms, tomographic reconstruction, computer simulation, experimental data processing for coherent and partially coherent x-ray sources
2. Image segmentation algorithms and 3D rendering.
3. Application of X-ray Phase-contrast imaging in biomedicine. Qualitative and quantitative analysis.
5. Application of phase contrast tomography in field of Cultural heritage.
6. Design, simulation and optimization of x-ray optics and systems of optical elements (X-ray mirrors, zone-plates, multilayers, x-ray super mirror, waveguides, etc).
7. Theoretical investigation and computer simulation of x-ray beam propagation in thick objects and in thick x-ray optics (virtual phantoms, thick zone-plate, structured waveguides, etc).
8. Development of computer codes. Wave front propagation. Finite difference methods for 2D and 3D wave equations. Development of ray-tracing codes. Monte Carlo methods.
9. Roughness of supersmooth surfaces, X-ray scattering
10. Whispering gallery effect for soft and hard x-ray radiation